Reading (W)riting & Rebellion Blog


Book Judgement

We have all heard we shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. Book could have a beautiful cover and suck, or it could have a sucky cover and be awesome. This goes for people...


Sci-Fi Sunday: Afrofuturism

Definition: Afrofuturism is a cultural aesthetic that combines science-fiction, history and fantasy to explore the African-American experience and aims to connect those from the black diaspora with their forgotten African ancestry. Well, that’s a complicated...


Why We Need Queer Literature

Confession time. I have not always been comfortable with reading LGBTQ+ books. I also was not comfortable with reading romance novels marketed to black people. My thought process was “This wasn’t written for me.”...


22 Books that Define My Reading Taste

This list feels excessive. I was trying to fit something in from each genre/subgenre I read extensively. I say extensively because I will read anything,  including cereal boxes. I also picked books that have...


So You Want to Write a Book Review…

It has come to my attention that there are some reviewers out there who don’t know how to write a book review. By that I mean they are slamming books and the author and...


Sci-Fi Sunday: Science Fiction Quotes

I’ve had a rough week. I was originally going to do an author profile of one of favourite science fiction authors, but I don’t have the energy or brain power. Instead, I am going...